Univeral love image
Metastudies Institute features home study courses, in Astrology, Tarot, healing and other metaphysical arts, ebooks, healing audio recordings, and more. We are on meetup and have regular classes in Wildomar, Ca. Metastudies is owned and operated by Anita & Allen Burns.

We are beings of light having a human experience, but we were not born with a manual of how to navigate this existence. So, inspired humans have created numerous works and belief systems in the form of religions, metaphysical sciences, philosophies, and tools. These are all a part of the ancient Greek aphorism on the Temple of Apollo, “know thyself.”

Metastudies Institute was created to bring what we feel are the best of the works, tools, and metaphysical works to those of you who are ready to move beyond the restrictions of religion, and into a more universal and natural spiritual living approach.

At Metastudies Institute, we offer spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric home-study courses, plus local events, and classes in Southern California We have a selection of ebooks and audio mp3s that reflect that expansive, inclusive philosophy and way of living.

Phone Number
Wildomar, Ca
Ishtara Light Network

Ishtara is a teacher of Metaphysics & Ascension material, Astrologer, Numerologist, Psychic Reader, Lightworker, Energy and Tonal Sound Healer, Pranic Healer and Reiki Master. She also works with color, light, crystals, scent and sacred geometry when doing a session. She holds a PhD in Metaphysics through The American Institute of Holistic Theology (AIHT).

Elivia Melodey
Elivia is a clairvoyant medium with the ability to tune in to many worlds and frequencies. Dubbed “The Angel Whisper” by Awareness Magazine, for her accuracy in this realm, she works with Guides and Teachers in Spirit and can also contact loved ones who have crossed over as well as past lives.

Elivia facilitates workshops and ongoing classes on spiritual growth and vibrational healing throughout the US and Asia. Based out of Southern California, she combines sound healing with a wide variety of alternative therapies including: Lightbody Energy Work, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Crystal Healing, light, and more. She is a recognized pioneer and expert of Crystal Sound Therapy.  A leader in the field of Sound Healing, Elivia is also the founder of the Crystal Vibrations Music Label, which has produced four critically acclaimed albums.

Phone Number
(760) 593-4544
Dr. Marie Feuer: Life Path Healings
Life Path Healings offers weekly classes in deep Meditation. Classes teach you how to feel and “hear” the energies and Guidance of Source. Dr. Marie also offers Readings, Healings, work with entities and more in every class.

Dr. Marie was chosen by medicine people and shamans starting in the 1970’s when she began her formal development and training as a mystic and a master in energetic teachings and healings. Her natural talents as a clairvoyant and clairsentient are paired with her PhD in psychology and her impressive mainstream skills which can be seen on LinkedIn.
In addition to awakening people’s energy fields Dr. Marie also offers animal communication, psychic readings (works as Nonna on Psychic Access), alternative medicine solutions for humans and pets, and works with couples and families for spiritual and therapeutic resolutions. Some work can be done remotely.

Phone Number
Pranic Healing, Essential Oils & Meditation Classes
Nathan Llera is a Certified Pranic Healer and Instructor with the United States Pranic Healing Center. He is a Human Service worker by profession and has spent many years as an Energy Healer with the goal of bridging Eastern and Western medicine.

Nathan and fellow healers conduct regular Free Healing Clinics, Essential Oil classes and Meditation nights in Sun City, Temecula, Beaumont and Palm Springs. Nathan also teaches regular Healer Training and Certification classes for those interested in becoming a Pranic healer, and he is available weekly for private sessions. Contact Nathan or join our Facebook or Meetup page to get involved.