Intuitive life strategist and vibrational energy healer, Tina Foran has decades of experience helping to change lives.

As an intuitive life strategist, the goal is to provide guidance and a strategic plan to assist people through their challenges. Tina uses Ayurveda, NLP, and intuitive coaching skills to obtain optimal outcomes.
As a vibrational energy healer, Tina uses tuning forks of different vibrational frequencies to clear blockages in the energy pathways allowing the physical body to heal. The vibrational frequencies used during each session are intuitively selected to provide optimal healing to the individual receiving the treatment. The vibrational frequencies introduced to the physical body during each session help the individual adjust to the changing frequencies on the planet.
For something a little different, Tina offers individualized, life-sized, copper pyramid sessions. Pyramids are used for healing, intuitive insights, and personal growth. Intuitive, individualized crystal grids are placed within the pyramid to amplify your experience.

Phone Number
Re Hu Tek – More Than a Healing Modality
Re Hu Tek is an energy lineage that dates back to ancient Egypt. Re Hu Tek integrates Cosmic and Earth energies to create a powerful combination that works on all levels of our body, mind, and spirit. It is used for consciousness raising, manifesting, and healing among other things.

Re Hu Tek™ is an energy system that goes beyond a simple healing modality. It has a lineage that dates back to ancient Egypt and their mystery schools. Although ancient wisdom is filled with amazing truths, it is often cumbersome and filled with religious and cultural baggage. We have cleared that away to get to the core principles.  Re Hu Tek energies are universal and for everyone ready to experience and benefit from them.

To awaken and connect with this age-old energy, we have developed a special attunement process. You just need to sit back and relax while a Re Hu Tek adept practitioner transmits the energy, so you are in “tune” with two, distinct subtle energies—Earth and Cosmic. Then, you will you have greater access to both. Your metaphysical body will have a configuration (pattern) to allow you to use the Re Hu Tek in a conscious, focused way.

After you are attuned, it’s only a matter of what you can do with the Re Hu Tek energies to improve, empower, and uplift your life and, if you choose, the lives of others.

It couldn’t be easier. Right now, we offer a home-study course with 2 levels. We are developing an online version of these as well. For a more up-close-and personal approach, we offer live, one-on-one and group training, too.

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Ishtara Light Network

Ishtara is a teacher of Metaphysics & Ascension material, Astrologer, Numerologist, Psychic Reader, Lightworker, Energy and Tonal Sound Healer, Pranic Healer and Reiki Master. She also works with color, light, crystals, scent and sacred geometry when doing a session. She holds a PhD in Metaphysics through The American Institute of Holistic Theology (AIHT).

Elivia Melodey
Elivia is a clairvoyant medium with the ability to tune in to many worlds and frequencies. Dubbed “The Angel Whisper” by Awareness Magazine, for her accuracy in this realm, she works with Guides and Teachers in Spirit and can also contact loved ones who have crossed over as well as past lives.

Elivia facilitates workshops and ongoing classes on spiritual growth and vibrational healing throughout the US and Asia. Based out of Southern California, she combines sound healing with a wide variety of alternative therapies including: Lightbody Energy Work, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Crystal Healing, light, and more. She is a recognized pioneer and expert of Crystal Sound Therapy.  A leader in the field of Sound Healing, Elivia is also the founder of the Crystal Vibrations Music Label, which has produced four critically acclaimed albums.

Phone Number
(760) 593-4544
Cheryl Vasquez, L.M.T., H.H.P., Biofeedback Tech., Iridologist
Cheryl Vasquez is the owner of La Vida which offers a host of holistic therapies which are remedial, restorative, natural, and preventative. An extensive array of massage, bodywork and relaxation modalities are administered according to the need of the client. Also available: stress reduction, injury recovery, pain alleviation, structural correction, energy work, sound and vibrational therapies, facial/body sculpting, vitality restoration, detoxification.

Therapies offered:  Massage, Facial-Body Sculpting, Acupressure, Reflexology, QXCI Biofeedback, Advanced Biostructural Correction, Advanced Muscle Reconditioning, Manual Lymph Drainage, Detoxification, Iridology, Rayid Iridology,  Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Tibetan Energy Therapy, Spinal Touch, Tuning Forks, Sound and Harmonics and Vibrational Therapies, Tibetan Bowls, Infrared Therapy, Energy Therapies
Member:  California Massage Therapy Council, #14499, Association of Bodyworkers & Massage Professionals, #110286
Cheryl Vasquez, L.M.T., H.H.P., Biofeedback Tech., Iridologist.  Over 34 years in practice.

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Kari Gers – BeCalmed Reiki

Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki – Would you like to feel more balanced, relaxed, less anxious and be able to handle stress productively?  Then Reiki is for you. Reiki invokes your own innate healing ability. Reiki is complementary to other medical treatments. 

 Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive, light touch or no touch healing technique for use on yourself or others. Reiki invokes your own natural healing ability to treat ailments without pressure, manipulation, or massage.

 Sound Bowl Vibrational Therapy – Want some “good vibes?” How about improved sleep, fewer mood swings, better pain management and deeper relaxation? Singing bowls placed strategically upon and around your body can do just that. The bowls work in conjunction with the water in your body to sooth and allow your nervous system to let go, relax, and heal.

 Combining Reiki with Sound Bowls is a specialty of BeCalmed Reiki.  


Kari is a certified Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher, Sound Healing Practitioner, Registered Nurse, and owner of BeCalmed Reiki, in San Bernardino. Kari is available for private sessions. Kari facilitates workshops, healing circles, energy playdates, and ongoing classes.  Kari has always been fascinated with holistic healing, spiritual practices, physical and energetic anatomy, and the perspective of the mind-body connection and healing. 

Phone Number
(909) 556-2140