Kris Wilson – Animal Communicator
Kris Wilson is an animal communicator and energy healer for animals.
Kris offers sessions and package deals remotely or in person for individuals. Additionally, she offers package deals for barns, doggy day cares, rescues, etc. She is happy to include your trainer, groomer, veterinarian, pet sitter, etc.

Kris can tell you what your pet is thinking and feeling. Is your pet happy? Is your pet in pain? Why are your pets not getting along? Why is my horse kicking? Why is my dog aggressive? Is my pet ready to transition? She can also, connect with your beloved pet that has transitioned.

She offers energy healing with the Scalar Wave. A standing wave of energy that brakes up the chaotic pattern (disease) chaos energy cannot exist in the presence of a standing wave of energy. Some of the conditions it helps with include, kidney disease, horses with colic, lameness, dermatitis, pain, founder in horses, immune system, no appetite, arthritis, easing of transition to the rainbow bridge. it is very relaxing to the nervous system.

She offers EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping. It is a healing method that quiets the nervous system and starts emotional healing. You use your fingers on the acupressure points of the meridian system of the body. You can also, air tap on head shy animals or use a surrogate. It helps with consuming emotions and feelings. Some of the conditions it helps with separation anxiety, an aggressive animal, barking, whining, trauma, loud noises, a shy animal.


Dr. Marie Feuer: Life Path Healings
Life Path Healings offers weekly classes in deep Meditation. Classes teach you how to feel and “hear” the energies and Guidance of Source. Dr. Marie also offers Readings, Healings, work with entities and more in every class.

Dr. Marie was chosen by medicine people and shamans starting in the 1970’s when she began her formal development and training as a mystic and a master in energetic teachings and healings. Her natural talents as a clairvoyant and clairsentient are paired with her PhD in psychology and her impressive mainstream skills which can be seen on LinkedIn.
In addition to awakening people’s energy fields Dr. Marie also offers animal communication, psychic readings (works as Nonna on Psychic Access), alternative medicine solutions for humans and pets, and works with couples and families for spiritual and therapeutic resolutions. Some work can be done remotely.

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