SpiritJewel Wisdom— Brandie K. Psychic Medium & Life Coach
My mission is to provide healing and support for both sides of the “veil.” Delivering messages with love and compassion, along with honesty and integrity will always be my core values. It is always my privilege to help, no matter how challenging that may be.

I welcome the opportunity to help.


Mediumship sessions, private, group, phone
Spiritual life Coaching
Reiki certified
House evaluations/clearings
Angel Tarot readings

Phone Number
(909) 266-4619
Ishtara Light Network

Ishtara is a teacher of Metaphysics & Ascension material, Astrologer, Numerologist, Psychic Reader, Lightworker, Energy and Tonal Sound Healer, Pranic Healer and Reiki Master. She also works with color, light, crystals, scent and sacred geometry when doing a session. She holds a PhD in Metaphysics through The American Institute of Holistic Theology (AIHT).

Elena Koryuchina – Energy Healer, psychic channel
My own healing journey led me to perform healing work and spiritual practices for others. This healing work helps to uncover the “root causes” of negative patterns in people's lives

Using the help of my guides, I am able to get to the root of what is holding people back. Many times these are attachments or blocks which can stem from one's early childhood or past life trauma. These blocks hide themselves throughout the body and can cause illness. When blocks are the cause of disease or illness, modern medicine will not be able to solve the problem, especially since these emotional blocks can be generations deep.  

Once a client’s blocks have been established, my guides work on healing the client’s soul of all the negative – shadow side – that has happened to them. This negativity can come from this life, ancestry, or even a past life. Through healing these blocks you receive a better understanding of your purpose and help in learning this life’s lessons. This alignment with your soul purpose allows you to make choices that better resonate with your life’s mission. For this reason, you may experience changes in thought processes and belief systems. 

In order to prepare for this healing work, you’re going to have to work on your feelings so that they are ready to be released. Through working with your feelings, you’ll learn about who you are and connect to your higher self. During this work you will be experiencing removals and psychic surgery. Removing negative identities from people and places is part of my work. 

Overall, this is powerful healing work. Thus, it is important that my clients actively want to get better as this is a permanent change for your life. You’ll be creating a strong new foundation for yourself but in order to do so, you’ll need to dig deep and shake up the old one.

Elena is Multidimensional Healer, certified Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki® Master, Medical Reiki Master, Kundalini Reiki Master, Sai Maa Diksha Practitioner, Certified Master of Crystology Healing, Psychic, Medium, Past Life Healer, Ancestry Healing, Spiritual Coach.   

Theresa St. Clare—SilentCrow
Angel Reiki Master, Sacred Pipe Keeper, Guide to the teachings of the 13 Original Clan Mothers (Jamie Sams) and
 Traditional Native American Ceremony (Inter-Tribal) 
Available for Reiki Sessions, Instruction, Chakra Clearing, Home Blessing, Traditional Pipe Ceremony

My walk on the Red Road led me to Reiki. I have been a Reiki practitioner over 15 years, integrating Reiki into a pediatric nursing career. I developed a strong relationship with the Archangels and was guided to become an Angel Reiki Master.

Reiki is a beautiful energy that promotes balance of mind, body and spirit. It dissolves energy blocks, creates deep relaxation, releases stress and promotes better sleep, all things that support the immune system and accelerate our bodies ability to self-heal. Reiki enhances our capacity to love, our creativity and focus. The added support of loving angels and it's like Reiki with the volume turned up.

I am Theresa St.Clare~SilentCrow (Shawnee) I am a Medicine Drummer, PowWow Dancer and Sacred Pipekeeper.

Phone Number
(909) 705-9370
Tiffany D. Alvarez

Tiffany D. Alvarez is originally from Tucson, Arizona and now resides in Riverside. She embarked on her spiritual path in 2015. She is a Reiki, Pranic healing, aka dua, and VortexHealing® Divine Energy practitioner.  

Tiffany also provides house and office clearings, sacred sound baths, pet healing, tarot, oracle card, and runes readings, magnet therapy, dōTERRA AromaTouch massage, twinflame and soulmate consultations, inner child healing sessions, basic astrology consultations, assistance to transition to a plant-based lifestyle, life coaching, breath work and sacred mantra sessions, and guided meditations.  

Tiffany offers essential oils for sale as well as specialized oil blends to help with any aspect of life. She also offers an aura salt scrub with essential oils that helps clear the aura, raise our vibration, calm the nervous system, and assist with sleep and immunity.  

Tiffany provides sessions by phone, by distance, over Zoom, at her home studio in Riverside, or she can go mobile. 

Appointments available for all ages.  All appointments may be conducted in Spanish.  

Phone Number
(520) 289–7280
Elivia Melodey
Elivia is a clairvoyant medium with the ability to tune in to many worlds and frequencies. Dubbed “The Angel Whisper” by Awareness Magazine, for her accuracy in this realm, she works with Guides and Teachers in Spirit and can also contact loved ones who have crossed over as well as past lives.

Elivia facilitates workshops and ongoing classes on spiritual growth and vibrational healing throughout the US and Asia. Based out of Southern California, she combines sound healing with a wide variety of alternative therapies including: Lightbody Energy Work, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Crystal Healing, light, and more. She is a recognized pioneer and expert of Crystal Sound Therapy.  A leader in the field of Sound Healing, Elivia is also the founder of the Crystal Vibrations Music Label, which has produced four critically acclaimed albums.

Phone Number
(760) 593-4544
Deborah Chabot – Designs from the Soul
Visionary Artist, Reiki Master, Re Hu Tek™, Crystal healing.

My mission
Acceptance and Forgiveness are the 1st step to transformation which will lead to a significant shift in our perspectives of oneness.
This is when the healing energies I am mind, body, and spirit becomes the healer that I am.

Crista Marie Miller
Crista is an Intuitive Medium, Voice Channeler, Certified Aura Color Coach and Reiki Master. Crista began channeling Spirit at the age of 7. Her focus is empowering you with sacred wisdom from Divine Feminine Christ-Consciousness and the Goddesses that embody this lineage. She channels multiple teachers from this lineage including Mary Magdalene, Ana, Mother Mary, Kuan-Yin and so many more!

Crista is a nationally recognized “Consciousness Coach” and currently is working with key members of some of the largest Social Media companies in the industry. Accomplished published author, she continues her service also as an Editor for Radiance Magazine with numerous published articles via multiple media channels.

In a coaching/reading session, you can experience a conversation with those Crossed-Over loved ones, Earth Elementals, Spirit Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, and Light Beings. It is quite common for her to channel a combination of Angels and/or Ascended Masters such as Magdalene and Yeshua during a full session with a client, forever redefining their awareness.

By using her unique gifts as a true mystic she communicates with your very own Spirit Team, comprising of YOUR guides, Angels and Ascended Masters. Crista will be given detailed insights as to what is the most important direction/guidance for your life, RIGHT NOW. These sessions produce instantaneous healing and will launch you into Ascension.

Kari Gers – BeCalmed Reiki

Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki – Would you like to feel more balanced, relaxed, less anxious and be able to handle stress productively?  Then Reiki is for you. Reiki invokes your own innate healing ability. Reiki is complementary to other medical treatments. 

 Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive, light touch or no touch healing technique for use on yourself or others. Reiki invokes your own natural healing ability to treat ailments without pressure, manipulation, or massage.

 Sound Bowl Vibrational Therapy – Want some “good vibes?” How about improved sleep, fewer mood swings, better pain management and deeper relaxation? Singing bowls placed strategically upon and around your body can do just that. The bowls work in conjunction with the water in your body to sooth and allow your nervous system to let go, relax, and heal.

 Combining Reiki with Sound Bowls is a specialty of BeCalmed Reiki.  


Kari is a certified Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher, Sound Healing Practitioner, Registered Nurse, and owner of BeCalmed Reiki, in San Bernardino. Kari is available for private sessions. Kari facilitates workshops, healing circles, energy playdates, and ongoing classes.  Kari has always been fascinated with holistic healing, spiritual practices, physical and energetic anatomy, and the perspective of the mind-body connection and healing. 

Phone Number
(909) 556-2140