Heart Space Healing and Transformation
Kim Foreman is a gifted healer, medium, and channel.

- A certified Akashic Records reader, she channels detailed and specific answers from your soul’s record keepers about your current life and past lives.

- As a medium she connects with your loved ones to bring through their messages for you, to reassure you that they are always here with you.

- Through Spiritual Response Therapy she works with Spirit to release hidden programming that blocks you from joy and ease.

- As a Reconnective Healing practitioner she taps into universal frequencies to bring about healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

- With the 111™ Activation she catapults you forward on your soul’s path, filling you with light, clarity, joy, and authenticity.

Kim is the owner of HeartSpace Healing and Transformation, based in Riverside and serving clients throughout the country.

Phone Number
(951) 732-7751
Kathryn Leeman, PhD
Services: Phone, FaceTime, Office: Psychic, Akashic Record Reader, Biofeedback for body, mind, emotions, spirit for stress release and wholeness, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach, Past Life Regressions, Channeling

I have worked for over 35 years through helping people find answers to soul searching questions, and helping them balance their body, mind, emotions and spirit. Through the use of psychic readings, channeling‘s, regression’s, and biofeedback and life coaching, I can put together a package that will serve you as an individual either on the phone, Zoom, or Facetime. I also hold Healing Heart and Soul Retreats.

Phone Number
Viviane Chauvet
Viviane Chauvet is an Arcturian hybrid, energy matrix healer, trans voice channel, and certified in ThetaHealing®, QHHT®, Crystalline Soul Healing®, and Unified Field Healing. She is the owner of Infinite Healing from the Stars and co-owner of Energies of Service. Our successful quantum holographic healing practice and intuitive consultation assist people healing at a deeper level and achieving higher transformative results.

Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing (In-Person or Remote)

Our signature modality was created by Viviane Chauvet and the Arcturian Council. This healing modality is available in two packages: 60 minutes or 90 minutes. You also receive channeled messages during the consultation. We upgrade your hologram and other matrices (soul and body) including the quantum field of your body systems and its multidimensional layers. It removes blockages and chronic issues at its source roots. We activate the natural life-force of the human physical body to heal, align, and regenerate the body matrix, including the evolving Chakra systems. Viviane assists you healing past trauma, including past lives (timelines), and restore your soul fractals. Viviane and her Team help you to transform the physical and subtle bodies as clear conduits of light, trigger your latent gifts, re-pattern your body matrix to new awareness, build new mental & emotional structures, and increase the communication to your multidimensional Higher Self (Soul).

Advanced Quantum Healing Package (In-Person or Remote) 

Ready to take the next leap forward? This is an opportunity to work directly with Viviane and her group of intergalactic Master Healers. You get two sessions per month to work with the Arcturians at a holographic soul matrix level, and then with the Lyrans with their ancient cosmic crystalline Template. It enhances your communication to your Higher Self, releases energetic blocks, opens up the flow of the potential field, activates crystalline DNA, and much more! Book a session directly with Viviane at viviane@infinitehealingfromthestars.com.

QHHT® – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (In-Person Only)

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®) was developed by Dolores Cannon over several decades of practice in hypnosis with thousands of clients worldwide. It is a very unique technique that allows people to access a deep part of themselves that has all of the answers. Many people receive instantaneous healing (as it is appropriate without interfering with their soul’s lessons & growth). During the session, the Higher Self / the Oversoul / the Super Conscious (Dolores called it the Sub Conscious) connects with the practitioner to assist the client see and gain a much deeper and clearer understanding on the flow of life events, situations, and other issues created in this lifetime. This technique has been helping so many people experience their past lives, heal themselves, and create changes that are aligned with their soul true potential! Book a session directly with Viviane at viviane@infinitehealingfromthestars.com.

ThetaHealing® (In-Person or Remote)

ThetaHealing® is a meditational process developed by Vianna Stibal that creates physical, psychological and spiritual healing with focused energy through the Creator of All That Is. A Theta State is a powerful, deep state of relaxation that allows access to Theta brainwaves (known as the Subconscious) where memories, sensations, attitudes, beliefs, patterns, programs and behavior are being stored. This healing modality can help you in various ways, including: Powerful and Instant Healing; Change Core Beliefs (4 Levels); Feeling Work; DNA Activation; Gene Replacement; Cleanse Organs and Heal with the Heart Song; Treat Allergies; Manifest Abundance, Address Fear, and more. Upon request, Future Readings in Theta State are also available. We also can connect you with loved ones who have transformed onto the other side of the veil. Viviane is a certified ThetaHealing® practitioner – Advanced Level.


Combo Session (In-Person or Remote)

A combo session consists of an intuitive reading with guidance (life path or star heritage), and energy work with our group of master healers. You receive an aspect of both during our sacred time together. We gladly customize the session to your needs & beyond.

Crista Marie Miller
Crista is an Intuitive Medium, Voice Channeler, Certified Aura Color Coach and Reiki Master. Crista began channeling Spirit at the age of 7. Her focus is empowering you with sacred wisdom from Divine Feminine Christ-Consciousness and the Goddesses that embody this lineage. She channels multiple teachers from this lineage including Mary Magdalene, Ana, Mother Mary, Kuan-Yin and so many more!

Crista is a nationally recognized “Consciousness Coach” and currently is working with key members of some of the largest Social Media companies in the industry. Accomplished published author, she continues her service also as an Editor for Radiance Magazine with numerous published articles via multiple media channels.

In a coaching/reading session, you can experience a conversation with those Crossed-Over loved ones, Earth Elementals, Spirit Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, and Light Beings. It is quite common for her to channel a combination of Angels and/or Ascended Masters such as Magdalene and Yeshua during a full session with a client, forever redefining their awareness.

By using her unique gifts as a true mystic she communicates with your very own Spirit Team, comprising of YOUR guides, Angels and Ascended Masters. Crista will be given detailed insights as to what is the most important direction/guidance for your life, RIGHT NOW. These sessions produce instantaneous healing and will launch you into Ascension.