
Reiki for Animals

My favorite Reiki treatments are for animals.

Animals release sorrow and sadness they carry with an ease I cherish. Every treatment with an animal reminds me to be present and enjoy each moment of life.

Several months ago I stopped at my brother’s house to be greeted by one of the saddest Pitbulls in the world.What once was a happy dog, disappeared with the loss of her 10 year companion dog Jordan who had recently passed on to the next realm. Diamond was so sad from the loss that she had lost her woof and tail wag, her reason to live had slipped away with Jordan’s death.

She came over for some hands on and distance Reiki and with a few or several, Reiki breaths she just melted into the Earth. A calmness flowed through and her eyes started to shine. Moments later her tail wagged. A few more minutes of Reiki and she was off running and barking. Dogs are instinctively pack animals and know their place in the world, in relation with other dogs. Without Jordan, Diamond did not know to relate with the world.

Reiki allowed her to release the energetic chord and attachment to her alpha dog to become, the new leader. Reiki brought Diamond dog a sense of serenity and peace, space to let go of fear and bring about harmony and balance to her world. While not every case is so simple, I am grateful for how Reiki allows the soul to heal and the spirit to shine to bring joy into the world once again.

Laura Luna, PhD
Laura Luna, PhD