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You’ve heard ‘Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes’ That’s where I come in!

Hello my name is Tina, welcome to Infinite Wisdom Consulting. • I work as a collaborative partner to help you improve the areas in life where your feeling stuck, looking for support and direction, or guidance on a new life path. Whether it’s personal or professional, large obstacles or small hurdles I’m here to help you experience a greater sense of purpose and direction. Some people call me their personal consultant, life coach or mentor. Each case is unique and my solutions and services are tailored to meet your individual needs.

Help Actually - Girl on swing

Help Actually

My approach, I work with you to determine what is the most realistic and manageable path for your desired outcome. Whether you’re striving for personal/spiritual development, career direction or re-redirection, or seeking guidance in making life decisions I can help with gaining deeper insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential. Knowing there is no “one size fits all” solution is what makes my personalized strategies work for you.


Everything starts with clarity. We will Clarify your vision and set realistic, actionable goals

Utilizing the SMART goals method – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Tangible – we’ll create a personalized roadmap to success.

Together, we’ll find practical ways to achieve your goals.

Below you’ll find examples of some of the areas on which we might focus for your particular personal or professional development.

Methodology - woman at desk

Coaching - To women on mountain top with hands in the air

Intuitive Coaching

Intuitive coaching combines traditional coaching techniques with intuitive insights to help you navigate life’s challenges, make empowered decisions, and align with your soul’s purpose.

Gain a deeper understanding of your goals, passions, and values, and confidently chart your path forward. Unlock hidden potentials and cultivate self-awareness for transformative growth.

Providing personalized support tailored to your unique needs, goals, and aspirations. My perspective is to address all aspects of your being – mind, body, and spirit – to foster holistic well-being and transformation. I believe in taking inspired action to create tangible results.

Let’s co-create the life of your dreams and embark on the journey of self-discovery, empowerment and transformation together!

Dr. Marie
As a former professor moving into formally starting my own business Tina Foran was an invaluable asset. She helped me navigate the ins and outs of working with “the public” (I had previously only worked via word of mouth) and always had excellent advice on what risks to take as well as new ideas to implement in order to publicize and expand my client base. She has an extraordinary ability to get along with everybody and to understand where you are “coming from” as well as where you want to go. She has consistently gone out of her way, above and beyond, what she promises to deliver. Whether you are a “newbie” to creating your own practice/business or someone stuck in a non-growth curve, Tina is an honest, amazing and ethical resource who will help you grow and solve problems while respecting your values, integrity, and interests.


Sometimes we all need a little help with follow through. Sometimes we don’t even know how to get started, and this is where I come in. Using regular check ins on a timeline and format that fits your individualized needs to keep you moving in the direction of your goals.

Crista – Editor/Author
Tina Foran is a Godsent! I utilize her in my business as a Manager and Event Planner. She is quick to respond, courteous and very helpful with all my scheduling and business needs. She holds me accountable for my projects and supports me in many areas. She helped me restore my business and keep it afloat during the uncertain times of 2021. I was concerned I had too many projects going, but she assisted me to get organized and I finished projects with time to spare! I am so blessed to have her in my corner.

accountability - woman with laptop

Professional consulting - Woman climbing success


Thinking outside the box is my superpower, I thrive in producing creative solutions to work with what you’ve got. I have experience in creating and consulting on multiple successful businesses ranging from online registries to brick-and-mortar establishments. In determining your professional goals, I will generate ideas and solutions that meet you where you are and take you where you want to be.

Deanna – Minister Tina Foran is one of the most insightful and creative people I know. Over the years she has helped me to think out of the box when it came to promoting events and growing my personal business. Now I’m the minister of a church, and we face the challenges of our post pandemic world. Tina listened to me vent my concerns, she heard my overwhelm, and provided insight into what I could do immediately, with what I already had.

Tina has always been so supportive, and has an uncanny ability to assess any situation. Her creative approaches have always helped me to move forward and feel really good about how that unfolds.

Tina really has an insight to change, and I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking to receive insights into their personal and/or professional lives.

Metaphysical Side of Things

The metaphysical, or beyond-physical, world is intricate and diverse. There are many different avenues where you might need help and guidance. For example, if you find yourself in a place that you’ve never been, having unexplainable experiences and needing answers. Have you started seeing things that aren’t really there? Hearing voices when there’s no one is around? Knowing things without understanding how you know them? These experiences can be overwhelming and unsettling if you don’t understand what’s really happening. I can guide you through this unexplained experience.

Alternatively, maybe you’re yearning for a deeper connection with your inner self. Or, you’re interested in working with energy and universal flow. Maybe, you’re interested in understanding the accension process – referring to the process of actively choosing to evolve into higher consciousness.

These particular interests can be a fascinating way to gain deeper understanding of yourself. A thorough understanding from a trusted source is best to navigate such a complex and diverse field.

Perhaps, you’re interests are guided towards a practice and or business. Whether, you’re looking to start a brick-and-mortar business, establish an online presence to showcase your modality, or begin a group to service the community. I have specialized personal knowledge and extensive experience in this industry and how it functions. This expertise can help you navigate complex challenges, adopt best practices, and implement effective strategies.

I can assist and guide you on a transformative journey toward spiritual enlightenment, navigating your spiritual path with wisdom and support. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or seeking deeper insights. I can help you walk “this” path.


Ann – Clinical Psychologist
I sought Tina for mentorship and guidance in navigating my spiritual development. Tina is a talented and gifted intuitive advisor and mentor who offers practical wisdom, compassionate healing, and intuitive guidance tailored to your highest soul growth. She teaches you to engage with your intuitive self so that you can help bring guidance and healing to others. Our sessions have been invaluable and life-changing to my spiritual, personal and professional life!

woman in meditation pose

Frequency Healing

Tuning forks

Harmonizing your mind, body and spirit to experience profound healing and transformation.
I specialize in the art of vibrational healing to restore balance, vitality, inner peace and well-being.

Vibrational healing taps into the universal energies that surround us, utilizing frequency and energy to promote physical and mental healing. By aligning with the natural rhythms of the universe, we can unlock the body’s innate ability to heal and thrive.

Release tension, stress, and anxiety. Rebalance your chakras and restore harmony to your body’s energy centers. Stimulate cellular regeneration and promote physical healing from within. Release stagnant energy and emotional blockages.

Healing vibrations guide you to a state of wholeness and well-being. Embark on a journey of healing and empowerment, utilizing a variety of vibrational healing tools.

Rev. Tom C. Hagman I have had only good results from the vibrational energy balancing method channeled by Tina Foran. The energetic balancing effect does not come solely from the use of the tuning forks; rather it also comes from the direction received by Ms. Foran through her intuition and spiritual guidance. I can attest to the fact that while undergoing and energy balancing session with Tina, interesting and amazing things occur resulting in my feeling a sense of renewal and balance in body, mind and spirit.


Sandra / Paralegal / holistic health practitioner –  I have utilized a variety of Tina’s services and have achieved great success with each offering. My corporate “day job” had me feeling stuck; the strategic planning ideas Tina provided through her consulting work helped me achieve a more balanced work structure. This allowed me to pursue my passion as a holistic health practitioner. I reached out to Tina for her intuitive coaching services for guidance as I stepped into this unfamiliar world. Her services allowed me to gain the knowledge and skills needed to feel confident moving forward. While I explored my passion for holistic health, I saw a variety of different practitioners including Tina for her Frequency Healing. It was profound experience unlike anything I had experienced before.

Don’t let uncertainty or self-doubt hold you back, your initial consultation is free.

About Infinite Wisdom Consulting

Tina Foran

I have decades of experience as an intuitive life strategist working in the holistic health and metaphysical field. I began my journey as a certified neuro linguistic programmer, helping individuals find new approaches to communication and personal development. My studies continued in the field of Hypnotherapy, Ayurvedic medicine, and other holistic health modalities.

This led me to development a brick and mortar business focusing on education in the Holistic Health and metaphysical field.

In 2009 I formed and still facilitate a group that focuses on providing the community with information on Holistic Health and Metaphysical Topics.

In 2010 I founded Holistic Registry as a platform to connect individuals with certified holistic health and metaphysical practitioners. My adventures continue……


Tina Foran is the founder of

I share my story knowing that it could be your story.

Growing up and through my twenties my life was “normal”. Then in my early 30s my whole word changed.

I started having different experiences that I could not explain. I didn’t know what was happening. I thought I was going crazy. I was seeing things that weren’t really there. I was hearing people talk to me that weren’t there; and a variety of other experiences that I was unable to manage because I didn’t have any reference point to understand what I was experiencing.

Fortunately, I met a few amazing people, which would explain to me what was happening. They became my mentors.

What was happening was that I was having psychic experiences. This was unreal to wrap my mind around, and yet it was happening.

This was all happening in a time where we didn’t have the internet to Google things. We didn’t have Youtube videos to learn from. This was in a time when to learn about things meant you sought out people and studied things in person and in groups.

My mentors walked me through each experience I was having and explained to me what was happening, what it meant and how to handle it. From there began the journey of training and learning many different modalities and schools of thought.

Many years later I find myself doing for others what was done for me.

Holding that long-standing traditional space of passing down knowledge to others in a way that might be thought of today of an archivist.

If you find yourself in this new metaphysical awakening, ascension stage of life, and you want to learn and understand the process I can help.

The process is completely personalized to your experiences and what your being called to do. I will help you understand and mange this new world you find yourself in.

It would be my honor to help you understand and manage this new world you find yourself in.


Visit Holistic Registry


Phone: 909-215-5591
